Today is one of those days where you're just gonna eat shit the whole way through. My best advice is pick up the spoon and wash your dishes tomorrow.

Joined on 12/25/20

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GlassPen123's News

Posted by GlassPen123 - March 4th, 2024

I use Linux now I guess... Shit...


Okay, so let me explain in the best way I can. I've grown tired of Micropeen and their sniveling antics like the rats they are, so I had planned to make the move to Linux Mint since it seems the most obvious. I wanted to do this slow though, like, not even a kiss on the first date slow, y'know? So I was finally ready to attempt to dual-boot install Mint so I could use Windows 10 as a crutch still. Unfortunately, Windows 10 has this love to spread its balls so far between every crevice of a hard drive available with moronically large partitions that it was hard for me to squeeze Mint on my measly 100 or so GB SSD. So I had the genius idea of just shrinking the biggest petition it had holed up down to 60 GB since that give it maybe ten to wiggle around... Great idea ,right? Everything should go fine, right?

No, no that was not a good idea, things did not go fine in-fact. I don't know how bad it actually fucked things below the hood, but it was asking me if I wanted to delete windows explorer since it didn't exist anymore apparently. I'm not sure if there was an actually fix I could do but it's late at night and I didn't want to waste anytime so I just said fuck it and made Mint the king of the castle. My "Plan B" for the time is to use VMbox, I'm not really ready to get freaky with Wine yet. Uh... if anyone has any good pointers to get acquainted to this thing faster I'd appreciate it, I'm going to be going through a tutorial for the next few days but right now things seems pretty straight forward. Anyways, once I get Fire Alpaca working, business as usual, or maybe I'll have an affair with Krita, I don't know.


Posted by GlassPen123 - February 14th, 2024

Last year had been a shit show for my life, I was depressed, full of self hate and slipping back into a hole I had dug out of two years prior. This will be the first Valentines day I'm spending not alone, which is something I wouldn't entirely expect if you were to ask me a year ago. It hasn't just magically fixed everything either, relationships never do, but it's helped me self reflect on a lot of my actions towards myself and others, which in itself has helped me improve myself a lot more than when I was alone.

Me and my girlfriend both agree that Valentines day has become something more corporate than anything else this day and age, but to many, they still see it as a day to recognize love as a whole. As such, there are many men out there especially on this website, feeling down even more after Christmas (Or whatever the hell people celebrate these days). I want to say to all the Men alone this year, keep your chin up and do something good, reach out to family, make the right choices and take upmost care for yourself.

If it's due to self choice, have fun. I'm serious, do it now.

As Mr. New Vegas said and I'm saying to you: "...You're nobody till somebody loves you. And that somebody is me. I love you."

(Offer only applicable for today, see info on back for more details)


Posted by GlassPen123 - February 5th, 2024

So while I was rummaging through my stash of po- I mean, old art, I stumbled upon roughly ten unfinished/ unpublished Older artworks, featuring changes and characters never before seen! To keep from clogging up my news feed and to spare some time, I'm going to be separating the posting of these into parts, this first part is going to include the more quality ones. There are elements from each piece I want to use here and there and I'll have to get to that at some point, I don't want a repeat of last year where I did just one artwork. Anyways, these aren't in the greatest of shape, boxes in a corner don't keep things the cleanest.

"Older: By the pond"


It has a human female in it that presumably is in relations with Colin. Wowza. Also the mystery friend of Marcus. Bonkers.

"Older: Porch Plan"


Marcus's friend has a more devious air to him that Colin doesn't appreciate. Played with the idea (and still am) of aging up Marcus just a tad.

"Older: Rough and Rumbling"


Just a bunch of Greasers and Townie's duking it out. Nothing better than this on a Saturday.

"Older: Summer Fun"


I remember trying to line with a Pen. Wasn't the best experience.

"Older: Beat it, Nick!"


What could the sign mean?

"Older: Street Corner Big Boys"iu_1157792_8426809.webp

Another instance of an Older Marcus. Dill weed on the right over there died in a horrific car crash, so you won't be seeing more of him (I think?)


Posted by GlassPen123 - December 31st, 2022

I don't use this section of my profile enough, I guess I can start using it as some dinky little blog.

Anyways, had this weird dream I want to share:

I was walking to work in the rain at what I can assume was very early in the morning when two of my coworkers stopped their car only to say "hey", ask me if I was really walking and continued driving without offering a ride. Pissed off, I arrived to work which apparently was just the sun room of some house I've never seen and a woman walks up to me who I guess was the owner of said house, of whom I've never seen either. She tells me that she knew I was agitated or something along those lines and better stop.

Suddenly I'm in the living room of my childhood home while my best friend is sitting in front of the TV with their back to it. They tell me somthing I don't hear at first so I ask them to repeat it only for them to continue to stop what they were saying mid sentence. After literally yelling at them to finish what they were saying a few times, it apparently was something about stuffed toys as a box full of them appeared. Seemingly satisfied with the outcome I went upstairs to my old bedroom and hopped onto the BBS.

Some Admin (That I'm wagering on never existed) from 2003 that I can almost remember was named "Phily-Tie" had popped his head back onto newgrounds after a decade or two hiatus. Tom for shits and giggles had reinstated his adminship and upon this he had made a thread about it with a question that I can't recall. When I had clicked on the thread, he was already fucking with the UI of the website as the side art was gone and the background was now a blue gradient with all button text becoming cyan. I had refreshed the page only to be met with more changes, slowly everything was looking more thrown together in a haste and overall what you'd expect from a website of the 2000s.

I had tried answering his question when a text box that was updating as if he was currently typing it followed

"You can't just refresh your browser in an attempt to search up the defintion of (A-word I don't remember) just because you're too young to actually know the internet dipshit, you've been BAN/NED" The word "banned" being huge and having it's own backsplash while constantly switching letters with slashes. Eventually I was booted to the homepage that just got worse, the original newgrounds logo was top and center glitching to all hell and more blue was vomited all over the place. No portal buttons were visible and some really old games were on the featured "ribbon". On the top left there was a message reminding me that I was banned, my account wasn't even visible on the site anymore.

Pissed off once again I had visited YouTube thinking that I could just make a new account to message a mod and see if my account could be saved after all the chaos was over. When I had tried to watch a video it would keep changing the page to a livestream of the dickhead actively destroying newgrounds (Source code and all on display) while playing what I think was Virtua Fighter with a friend of his. Next thing I see is that my profile picture had changed. "Great, so the asshole's given me a virus on top of it all" ran through my mind.

Trying to run a virus scan only yielded more headaches as my program (due to my own audacity to try to fix my computer) had changed to some clicker game with a sprite of Mario from one of the DS games spinning to funky town. The buttons to the left and right were just standard Windows message boxes with completely irrelevant text. Apparently I had to click until Mario typed his password in within a time limit or "all my shit would be deleted". Suddenly everything changed to an old "Survive the lava river"-esqe game on ROBLOX and in only a short time my character had died because of instead of actually building a boat I had tried to use a sheild tool every player was given with limited uses.

Some small stuff happens after that I can't really peice together before I woke up. My greatest question is what are the political inclinations of this?

Posted by GlassPen123 - March 8th, 2022

Thank goodness you all came when you did. Spring's just around the corner and I wouldn't have known what to do once summer rolled around.


And no, there's no "BuT iN aLl SeRiOuSnEsS HERRHERRHERR *strokes wiener*"

Fuck you. This is all you get.


Posted by GlassPen123 - December 23rd, 2021

A couple of days will mark my one year anniversary on Newgrounds. For everything this website and the community has given to me, it's hard to state my thoughts properly or give back enough, so I guess this is when I write my lame-ass biography instead since I'm an average internet user full of himself.

When I started my journey here, I had been in search of somewhere to post my art that could manage to garner a community without the bullshit. Twitter was long a shithole at that point, DeviantArt is too busy imitating ArtStation and I'd want to shoot myself before using Reddit. Along the way, I was reminded of Newgrounds and although I was skeptical of it at first, curious how this decades old site truly stood to the test of time, I signed up regardless on Christmas morning. Through the first week, I kept to myself browsing submissions and did my best to get familiar with the layout so I would know how things worked.


This is what the site looked like on my signup

After uploading my first artwork, I found myself staggering onto the BBS like a drunk with one leg. I don't exactly know when I had gotten attached to General and it's people, but I know I don't plan on leaving it anytime soon. The community individually welcomes a new user in their own unique way, making this place seem more like an actual room of human beings than some blank void with a bunch of turds screaming at each other about nothing. With politics kept to it's own disposal bin and everybody keeping the true internet spirit alive, I knew I had found the home my grown highschool loner heart yearned for. Sixteen art pieces, almost three and a half thousand posts on the BBS, a forgotten submission to a game and an interview by a demonic marshmallow(?), here we are.

I guess some rando could say this post is made out of celebration and my gratefulness for this website. I'd certainly see the perspective. But I think in the bigger picture, this was made out of reflectance, seeing how I've gotten through it all. This past year of my life has been full of twists and turns. (But I know you don't give a fuck about hearing it and I don't give enough of a fuck to tell it, so let's just keep that mutuality between us, huh?) Or possibly, this was made with nothing in mind at all, just gliding my fingers across my keyboard to present some sick perception of sanity.

Regardless, cheers to one year, but I don't drink and I ain't doing any cutesy "Apple Juice in a mug" crap, so we could just cross piss streams and call it a night to remember.



Something for later...

Here I'd list users I found especially cool throughout the year, but there's too many to remember in one sitting, so I'm just gonna pull the "You know who you are" cop-out.