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Recent Movie Reviews

20 Movie Reviews

I don't think this was a magic trick, maybe David Copperfield could share his thoughts on this.

RIP the Fancy Pants dude in the beginning.

Thought it was gonna be like that comic some dude made of sonic running off the towers saying "This could get political, I'm outta here". Caught me off guard there.

Recent Game Reviews

14 Game Reviews

Could use more cats.

I'm not sure if this is because of Ruffle or not, but the Paint program has a very problematic bug, the window is not the only space available for drawing, but instead the entire monitor. After closing the paint window, the drawing does not dissapear and drawing is still enabled. Besides some touch ups and expansion needed, I enjoyed this.

TotalEmulator responds:

Fix this!

Beat the game so hard that it crashed on the last amogus crew mate.


Recent Audio Reviews

2 Audio Reviews

This is fucking epic.

A Beethoven of our time.

NitroOrient responds:


Recent Art Reviews

25 Art Reviews

I hope I'm not only seen as a white devil to you guys, but also a son of Yakub.

Do the arrow tattoos (brands maybe?) have any significance towards their personality or maybe their motive/ duty? Like the guy on the bottom right may snap between behaviors at any given point (flip-flop if you will) to benefit himself and the one with the arrow pointed down might have a more grounded attitude as sort of a leader role? Regardless, I like these pieces, gives me a very comical take on 80s cartoons as well as a dash of Max Payne mixed in.

adoggoart responds:

Yes, they do! You are actually on the money haha, they are in squads of sorts and are either full throttle or down depending on their usage. They are highly sentient however and have personas, names etc. but are pretty crazy. Thanks!

So when you were in your grave, did you have to ring that little bell and yell at them for burying you alive?

Purbell responds:

I clawed out, dirt and bone alike.

Today is one of those days where you're just gonna eat shit the whole way through. My best advice is pick up the spoon and wash your dishes tomorrow.

Joined on 12/25/20

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