Last year had been a shit show for my life, I was depressed, full of self hate and slipping back into a hole I had dug out of two years prior. This will be the first Valentines day I'm spending not alone, which is something I wouldn't entirely expect if you were to ask me a year ago. It hasn't just magically fixed everything either, relationships never do, but it's helped me self reflect on a lot of my actions towards myself and others, which in itself has helped me improve myself a lot more than when I was alone.
Me and my girlfriend both agree that Valentines day has become something more corporate than anything else this day and age, but to many, they still see it as a day to recognize love as a whole. As such, there are many men out there especially on this website, feeling down even more after Christmas (Or whatever the hell people celebrate these days). I want to say to all the Men alone this year, keep your chin up and do something good, reach out to family, make the right choices and take upmost care for yourself.
If it's due to self choice, have fun. I'm serious, do it now.
As Mr. New Vegas said and I'm saying to you: "...You're nobody till somebody loves you. And that somebody is me. I love you."
(Offer only applicable for today, see info on back for more details)